24 oktober 2020

Femton flygande mattor

Olja på juteväv. 30,5x30,5 cm. Våren-oktober 2020.

Intentionen var att illustrera Jan "Harpo" Svenssons fantastiska låt Min flygande matta. Jag är nöjd med resultatet, men det blev inte alls så som jag hade trott - det blev inte bara en matta utan femton!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Stefan really beautiful painting, I like it. My swedish is not so god these days but I do belive that I have found the Harpo song. I will send it to you over a safe line.

    1. Thank you TSM! Thanks a lot also for the link, now you can see I have the Harpo (or "Jan Banan" as he calls himself here) song here! I also made a film myself of this song on instagram, just one minute but anyway.... Go there and have a look if you have some spare time. Posted in October last year at @stefansgalleri
